Exams & Promotions
The National Education Policy envisions an education system rooted in Indian ethos that contributes directly to transforming India. The Policy envisages that the curriculum and pedagogy of our institutions must develop among the students a deep sense of respect towards the Fundamental Duties and Constitutional values, bonding with one’s country, and a conscious awareness of one’s roles and responsibilities in a changing world. The vision of the Policy is to instill among the learners a deep-rooted pride in being Indian, not only in thought, but also in spirit, intellect, and deeds, as well as to develop knowledge, skills, values, and dispositions that support responsible commitment to human rights, sustainable development and living, and global well-being, thereby reflecting a truly global citizen.

Nur, Prep I, Prep II & Grade 1
A continuous assessment is done on the basis of the student’s responses in the class. For the purpose of evaluating the student's progress during the year and the achievement at the end of the year, the school has introduced the CBSE prescribed scheme of evaluation.
Grades III, IV & V
Evaluation and Assessment is done as per CBSE prescribed scheme of evaluation.
Grades VI to VIII
A uniform system of Assessment and Examination for Grades VI to X in all CBSE affiliated schools with effect from the Academic year 2017-18 is being followed. In order to ensure smooth transition and preparation for board exams in Grade X, there will be a gradual increase in the percentage of syllabus will be implemented as follows -
- (A) Scholastic Area
Term 1 (100 M.M.) Term 2 (100 M.M.) Periodic Assessment: 20% Half Yearly Exam : 80% Periodic Assessment: 20% Final Exam : 80% - Periodic Test (10%) - Better of 2 (WT - 1 & WT - 2)
- Notebook Submission (5%)
- Subject Enrichment Activity (5%)
- Map or project work in Social Science
- Practical work & activities in Science
- Lab Activity in Mathematics
- Listening & speaking skills activities in Language
Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of Half Yearly Exams
- Periodic Test (10%) - Better of 2 (WT - 1 & WT - 2)
- Notebook Submission (5%)
- Subject Enrichment Activity (5%)
- Map or project work in Social Science
- Practical work & activities in Science
- Lab Activity in Mathematics
- Listening & speaking skills activities in Language
Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus coverage as below -
- Class Ⅵ : 10% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term
- Class Ⅶ : 20% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term
- Class Ⅷ : 30% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term
- (B) Co - Scholastic Area
- For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities and discipline will be graded on a 3-point grading scale (A = Outstanding, B = Very good and C = Fair). Regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork be the generic criteria for grading the co-scholastic activities. Promotion is granted on the basis of uniform system of assessment and examination prescribed by the CBSE.
Grade Ⅸ
The examination pattern for Grade IX from the academic year 2017-18 onwards has been redesigned as per the revised assessment structure of CBSE for Grade Ⅹ. This would prepare students to cover the whole syllabus of the academic year and face the challenge of Grade Ⅹ Board examination, and would, thus ensure the 'quality of education'. It is further bifurcated into two types of assessments:
- (A) Scholastic Activities
Total : 100 Marks Final Examination : 80 Marks Internal Assessment : 20 Marks - School will conduct Grade Ⅸ Final Examinations for 80 Marks in each subject covering 100% of the syllabus of the subject of Grade Ⅸ only
- Marks & grades both will be awarded for individual subjects
Periodic Test : 10 Marks Notebook Submission : 5 Marks Subject Enrichment Activity : 5 Marks - Periodic Test - 1 (10%) : Better of WT - 1 & WT - 2
- Periodic Test - 2 (10%) : Half Yearly Exam
- Periodic Test - 3 (10%) : Weekly Test - 3
This will cover :
- Regularity
- Assignment Completion
- Neatness & upkeep of notebook
- Speaking & listening skills in Language
- Lab : Practical work in Science
- Lab : Practical work in Mathematics
- Map & project work in Social Science
- (B) Co - Scholastic Activities
- For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities & discipline (attendance, sincerity, behaviour, values) will be graded on a 5-point grading scale A to E. No up scaling of grades will be done. Regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork will be the generic criteria for grading the co-scholastic activities. CBSE norms will be followed for promotion to grade Ⅹ.
Grade Ⅹ
The examination pattern from the academic year 2017-18 onwards has been conducted as per the remodeled assessment structure given by CBSE explained which is on the next page:-
- (A) Scholastic Activities
Total : 100 Marks Final Examination : 80 Marks Internal Assessment : 20 Marks - Board will conduct Grade Ⅹ - Examinations for 80 Marks in each subject covering 100% of the syllabus of the subject of Grade Ⅹ only
- Marks & grades both will be awarded for individual subjects
Periodic Test : 10 Marks Notebook Submission : 5 Marks Subject Enrichment Activity : 5 Marks - Periodic Test - 1 (10%) : Better of WT - 1 & WT - 2
- Periodic Test - 2 (10%) : Half Yearly Exam
- Periodic Test - 3 (10%) : Weekly Test - 3
This will cover :
- Regularity
- Assignment Completion
- Neatness & upkeep of notebook
- Speaking & listening skills in Language
- Lab : Practical work in Science
- Lab : Practical work in Mathematics
- Map & project work in Social Science
- (B) Co - Scholastic Activities
For the holistic development of the student, co - curricular activities & discipline (attendance, sincerity, behaviour, and values) will be graded on a 5 - point grading scale A to E. No up scaling of grades will be done. Regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork will be the generic criteria for grading the co - scholastic activities.
CBSE norms will be followed for promotion to grade Ⅺ.
Besides the above, we also have three examinations throughout the session for practice :
- Pre - Board - 1 Examination in October - November
- Pre - Board - 2 Examination in November - December
- Pre - Board - 3 Examination in January
Grade Ⅺ
We have two semesters -
- First semester consists of two cycles of weekly tests and Half Yearly Examination in August / September
- Second semester consists of one cycle of weekly test and Final Examination in February
A weightage of 25% is assigned to the Weekly Test and 75% to the Half Yearly & Annual Examination for generating the Semester report.
Promotion is based on the consolidated result of the two semesters :
- 30% of the Semester I Exams
- 70% of the Semester II Exams
Every student has to clear theory and practical separately as per CBSE norms.
Final Examination will be based upon the entire syllabus.
Grade Ⅻ
We have two semesters :
- First semester consists of two cycles of weekly tests and Half Yearly Examination in August / September
Second semester consists of one cycle of weekly test and three
Examinations :
- Pre - Board - 1 Examination in October / November
- Pre - Board - 2 Examination in November / December
- Pre - Board - 3 Examination in January
CBSE norms will be followed for promotion to higher class.